Lights Out | The Cancelled Conference 2

Standing at the desk, Beth Simpson was filling out a sudoku puzzle. Somehow, she’d managed to get herself snowed in with the less than dozen people who were here for the now cancelled Organic conference. Normally, she’d have finished her overnight shift and been relieved the next morning. Instead, she was greeted by an email […]

Reason and Romance Giveaway!

To celebrate the upcoming release of Reason and Romance, we’re giving away a curated gift box. Along with a signed copy of the book, the box includes: A book scented candle from Nostalgia designs, a ceramic diner mug from Smokey Row (the coffee shop featured in the book), and a poster of the cover art. […]

You Can Pre-Order on Amazon!

Exciting news! Reason and Romance is now available for pre-order on Amazon and other major retailers. It’s incredible to think we’re less than a month away from the book’s release now. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, please set a pre-order. These count towards “day of” sales, and really help make the book pop […]

The Cancelled Conference

This is the first in a series of installments in a mystery series I’m writing. Please sit back and enjoy The Cancelled Conference. Weather was the literal definition of “unreasonable.” It didn’t matter who you were, or what was planned, it would go about it’s course without a thought. No one has ever changed the […]

Dating The Muse

“I believe that inspiration will always try its best to work with you—but if you are not ready or available, it may indeed choose to leave you and to search for a different human collaborator.” – Elizabeth Gilbert My Muse has terrible timing. She likes to talk whenever I’m busy doing other things, when I’m […]

Use the Hurt

“We are all bitched from the start and you especially have to hurt like hell before you can write seriously. But when you get the damned hurt use it—don’t cheat with it.” – Ernest Hemingway While we’d all like to think differently, Hemingway in this quote defines a truth of the creative process. I’m sure […]

We Have a Release Date! First Copies are Here!

I’m excited to announce we’ve got a release date for my debut novel, Reason and Romance. It will be released on Amazon on Tuesday, May 3rd, 2022! As soon as the Amazon link is ready, I’ll be sharing it for pre-orders to be set for both print and Ebook. Adding to that excitement, this week […]

Practice in Public

“This is what happens when we practice in public: we not only hone our abilities but attract an audience interested in what we’re sharing.” Jeff Goines There’s a temptation for every creative to keep their work hidden until perfect, until there’s a large volume of work with sharing with the world in some strike of […]

Reason and Romance Has a Cover!

I’m super excited to share the cover of my debut novel, Reason and Romance! Description A serious author, George Austen believes romance is a worthless genre, until he’s challenged to write one of his own by a rival author. “Reason and Romance” follows George along his way as he faces the questions of what love […]

The Power of Premise

The premise is your story stated in one sentence. It is the simplest combination of character and plot and typically consists of some event that starts the action, some sense of the main character, and some sense of the outcome of the story. – John Truby  Tell me about it? When asked this question about your […]