Professional Writer ♦ Amateur Swashbuckler

Reason and Romance Has a Cover!

I’m super excited to share the cover of my debut novel, Reason and Romance!


A serious author, George Austen believes romance is a worthless genre, until he’s challenged to write one of his own by a rival author. “Reason and Romance” follows George along his way as he faces the questions of what love means and the people it’s meant to be shared with. Enjoy wit, humor, and discover the true meaning of romance. Join George as he is challenged with the question, “Is romance more than just a genre?”

Publishing is expected for March with the specific date to be determined. Until then, if you enjoy my work and want to be informed when the actual release happens, please sign up below so you can get notified as soon as we have a release date.

Upon release, and verification of purchase, we’ll also have lots of other fun goodies to share about the book. So stay tuned!