Professional Writer ♦ Amateur Swashbuckler

We Have a Release Date! First Copies are Here!

I’m excited to announce we’ve got a release date for my debut novel, Reason and Romance. It will be released on Amazon on Tuesday, May 3rd, 2022! As soon as the Amazon link is ready, I’ll be sharing it for pre-orders to be set for both print and Ebook.

Adding to that excitement, this week the very first copies of the print book have arrived on my doorstep!

There’s a special kind of joy to seeing the pages I’d slaved over finally in print. Holding a physical thing after months and months of editing was amazing. I genuinely hope everyone else will enjoy this book as much as I have.

Now that we have a release date, and some initial copies, the book launch process will be starting in earnest. I’ve got a few ideas and a few articles in the pipeline which relate to the book to help build awareness, but if you have any interest in joining our book launch team, please shoot me a message!

Below you can sign up for updates about the book, and will get access to exclusive content around the launch date.


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