It was a delight to be a guest on Fully Booked The Hidden Gems Author Podcast. On the show I talked about my writing perspective, writing goals, and why I wrote a romance novel. A show I already enjoyed listening to, it was incredible to be a guest.
Men Writing Romance?
It was a delight to sit down with romance author Roland Hulme and discuss Indiana Jones, Story Structure and of course, Reason and Romance. It was a fun interview and an honor to be on his show.
Book Launch Q&A | Reason and Romance

Tuesday we had our book launch party for Reason and Romance! At the party we had a Q&A Session moderated by a friend of mine discussing my favorite authors, their cocktails, and what to expect next. Reason and Romance Buy your copy of Reason and Romance today!
Publishing a Book Changed My Life | Suit Up

My life was changed by writing a book, that’s the kind of challenge I look for.
Behind the Scenes With Reason and Romance

Here’s an exclusive behind the scenes look at what it took to write Reason and Romance. Learn what surprised me in the writing, insights into the process, and answering the all important question, why did I write a romance novel? My debut novel Reason and Romance will be released on May 3rd, 2022. Order your […]
Reason and Romance Giveaway!

To celebrate the upcoming release of Reason and Romance, we’re giving away a curated gift box. Along with a signed copy of the book, the box includes: A book scented candle from Nostalgia designs, a ceramic diner mug from Smokey Row (the coffee shop featured in the book), and a poster of the cover art. […]
You Can Pre-Order on Amazon!

Exciting news! Reason and Romance is now available for pre-order on Amazon and other major retailers. It’s incredible to think we’re less than a month away from the book’s release now. If you haven’t ordered a copy yet, please set a pre-order. These count towards “day of” sales, and really help make the book pop […]
Reason and Romance Has a Cover!
I’m super excited to share the cover of my debut novel, Reason and Romance! Description A serious author, George Austen believes romance is a worthless genre, until he’s challenged to write one of his own by a rival author. “Reason and Romance” follows George along his way as he faces the questions of what love […]