With Starlite Pulp and American Muse Vol 1.

Suit Up! With Starlite Pulp and their merry band of rogues. We’ll talk today with Brian Townsley, Alex Slusar, Jean-Paul L. Garnier, and Manny Torres about the novellas they are publishing together and how each speak (unintentionally) to the American dream. Order American Muse Vol 1. https://www.starlitepulp.com/product-page/american-muse-starlite-pulp-novellas-vol-1 Follow Brian https://www.instagram.com/b.towns4/?__d=11 Follow Alex https://www.instagram.com/alex.slusar Follow Jean-Paul […]
With Oswald Black and Wedding Bandits

Suit Up! With Oswald Black and Wedding Bandits. On today’s episode we’ll talke about how Oswald wrote his debut novel, what his marketing for the book has been, building a compost heep for ideas, and much more! Follow Oswald: https://oswaldblack.com The Audiobook for Wedding Bandits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XU_FBxRVndQ
With Gary Phillips and The Unvarnished

Suit Up! With Gary Phillips, author of The Unvarnished Gary Phillips: A Mondo Pulp Collection, One-Shot Harry, Matthew Henson and the Ice Temple of Harlem among many others, he was also the writer/co-producer of FX’s Snowfall. Today we talk his pulp influences, his short stories, arctic adventurers and much more! Follow Gary
Secret Origins of Hard Case Crime | Charles Ardai

The first interview on Suit Up Philosophy was a year ago! Hard to imagine. That guest will always be special. Charles Ardai, editor and co-founder of Hard Case Crime, came on the show to give us an education on the how Hard Case Crime started and sneak peak behind the scenes. I’ll always enjoy mysteries, […]