Becoming a Gentleman Spy | Travis Wesson

Have you ever wanted to be a spy? When we watch James Bond films, it’s easy to want the Double-O lifestyle (minus the torture), but so much of who he is comes from the skills he has. At Gentleman Spy Travis Wesson broke down the essential things for every aspiring Gentleman Spy in training to […]
Publishing a Book Changed My Life | Suit Up

My life was changed by writing a book, that’s the kind of challenge I look for.
Secret Origins of Hard Case Crime | Charles Ardai

The first interview on Suit Up Philosophy was a year ago! Hard to imagine. That guest will always be special. Charles Ardai, editor and co-founder of Hard Case Crime, came on the show to give us an education on the how Hard Case Crime started and sneak peak behind the scenes. I’ll always enjoy mysteries, […]