Professional Writer ♦ Amateur Swashbuckler

With Terrence McCauley and Chicago ’63

Today we’re joined by Terrence McCauley, award winning author of multiple generes. We’ll be discussing his latest novella, Chicago ’63, the upcoming JFK Dallas trilogy, westerns, writing advice and much more! Follow Terrence Check out my pulp adventure novel One Man’s Treasure

With Jeff Circle and The Writers Dossier

Today we’re joined by Jeff Circle from the Writer’s Dossier. We’ll talk about how he started the Dossier, writers who everyone should be reading, Bogart and Bacall and much more! Follow Jeff

With Eric P. Bishop and Ransomed Daughter

Suit Up! With Eric P. Bishop, author of Ransomed Daughter and The Body Man. Today we’re talking about starting his own publishing business, book marketing, novellas and much more! Follow Eric

Secret Origins of Hard Case Crime | Charles Ardai

The first interview on Suit Up Philosophy was a year ago! Hard to imagine. That guest will always be special. Charles Ardai, editor and co-founder of Hard Case Crime, came on the show to give us an education on the how Hard Case Crime started and sneak peak behind the scenes. I’ll always enjoy mysteries, […]