With Romancing the Stone and Roland Hulme

Suit Up! Revisit the 80’s with Roland Hulme as we discuss the romance tropes in Romancing the Stone, the good, the mediocre and the early morning rambling. We even touch on my upcoming book, One Man’s Treasure. Publish date 9/3/24, available for pre-order on Amazon Kindle now! Follow Roland https://www.instagram.com/rolandhulme/?hl=en https://www.youtube.com/c/RolandHulme
With Jeff Circle and The Writers Dossier

Today we’re joined by Jeff Circle from the Writer’s Dossier. We’ll talk about how he started the Dossier, writers who everyone should be reading, Bogart and Bacall and much more! Follow Jeff https://www.instagram.com/jeffcircle_books https://twitter.com/jeff_circle?mx=2 https://www.threads.net/@jeffcircle_books https://www.facebook.com/JeffCircleBooks
With Sean Jacques and Doe Run

Suit Up! With Sean Jacques and Doe Run. Today, we’ll be talking about books everyone should read, Sean’s journey from screen writing to novels, his debut novel Doe Run and much more! Follow Sean https://www.seanjacquesauthor.com https://instagram.com/seancjacques
With Eric P. Bishop and Breach of Trust

With Eric P. Bishop and Breach of Trust! We’ll talk about the release of Breach of Trust, publishing the second edition of The Body Man, building writing communities and much more! Follow Eric: https://www.ericpbishop.com https://www.instagram.com/epbauthor
With Oswald Black and Wedding Bandits

Suit Up! With Oswald Black and Wedding Bandits. On today’s episode we’ll talke about how Oswald wrote his debut novel, what his marketing for the book has been, building a compost heep for ideas, and much more! Follow Oswald: https://oswaldblack.com The Audiobook for Wedding Bandits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XU_FBxRVndQ
With Matt Sherman and Bond Events

Suit Up! With Matt Sherman, he’s a James Bond expert who facilitates and organizes Bond events around the globe. We’ll discuss his books on Bond, travel locations every Bond fan should see, how Matt got started organizing these trips and much more! Follow Matt https://bondfanevents.com https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9-PsSW-THh2lfL2GsvNsuA
With Voodoo 5 and Skip Heller

Suit Up! With Voodoo 5 and Skip Heller. Returning to the Podcast, we talk the history and creation of exotica music and how it was made by Hollywood and tourism, his latest album Voodoo 5 and why he chose the songs on the record. This and more in today’s episode with Skip Heller. Follow Skip […]
With Ice Station Zebra and Steven Hartov

Suit Up! With Ice Station Zebra and author Steven Hartov. We discuss the carrer of Alistair MacLean, writing ensambles, life experience in story, and the escalation of danger in MacLean’s writing. You don’t want to miss this one! Follow Steven https://www.instagram.com/stevenhartov_author/?hl=en
With The Goonies and American Pulps

Suit Up! With The Goonies, we revisit this nostalgic childhood film with Matt Pagorgis and John Borges from American Pulps! Does it hold up? We talk the fun, and story structure, editing and more! You won’t want to miss this episode. Follow American Pulps https://www.instagram.com/americanpulps/?hl=en
With Brian Nelson and The Great Unmaking

Suit Up! With Brian Nelson, author the Course of Empire Trilogy. We’ll be discussing the final installment, The Great Unmaking along with Connan the Barbarian, world building for fantasy and science fiction, and much more! Follow Brian https://www.blackstonepublishing.com/the-great-unmaking-cb8y.html