With Drew Hannush and Whiskey Lore

Why is whiskey spelled with and without an “e”? Drew Hannush, our guest today, tells us this and more as we discuss the myths, history and lore of whiskey. Drew is the host of the Whiskey Lore Podcasts, and author of a travel guide to Kentucky Bourbon. In addition to talking whiskey, we also touch […]

Men Writing Romance?

It was a delight to sit down with romance author Roland Hulme and discuss Indiana Jones, Story Structure and of course, Reason and Romance. It was a fun interview and an honor to be on his show.

With Matt Pagourgis and John Borges – American Pulps

Today on the show, I was joined by Matt Pagourgis and John Borges from American Pulps. It was an amazing conversation about their debut novel Under the Knife, the creative process, and their upcoming projects. It was a delight to talk to Matt and John, I hope you enjoy the conversation as much as I […]

The Origins of Grizzly Pulp | Mike Monson

Join the conversation about all things pulp with Mike Monson from Grizzly Press. On this episode we talk about the origins of pulp fiction, how he found it, the revival of the pulp genre, Tokey Wedge and more! So far Grizzly Pulp has published two of the Tokey Wedge novels, Nympho Lodge and Mad for […]

Becoming a Gentleman Spy | Travis Wesson

Have you ever wanted to be a spy? When we watch James Bond films, it’s easy to want the Double-O lifestyle (minus the torture), but so much of who he is comes from the skills he has. At Gentleman Spy Travis Wesson broke down the essential things for every aspiring Gentleman Spy in training to […]

Book Launch Q&A | Reason and Romance

Tuesday we had our book launch party for Reason and Romance! At the party we had a Q&A Session moderated by a friend of mine discussing my favorite authors, their cocktails, and what to expect next. Reason and Romance Buy your copy of Reason and Romance today!

Giving Yourself a Challenge | Scott Hebert

Joined on the show again by Scott Hebert to breakdown the results of our London Challenge for writing, and talk about his current challenge to live like Marcus Aurelius. Scott’s Links https://scotthebert.art/ https://www.youtube.com/c/ScottHebert604 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmS6mdg37FFScIhP0QymMFg

Secret Origins of Hard Case Crime | Charles Ardai

The first interview on Suit Up Philosophy was a year ago! Hard to imagine. That guest will always be special. Charles Ardai, editor and co-founder of Hard Case Crime, came on the show to give us an education on the how Hard Case Crime started and sneak peak behind the scenes. I’ll always enjoy mysteries, […]

Behind the Scenes With Reason and Romance

Here’s an exclusive behind the scenes look at what it took to write Reason and Romance. Learn what surprised me in the writing, insights into the process, and answering the all important question, why did I write a romance novel? My debut novel Reason and Romance will be released on May 3rd, 2022. Order your […]