With Eric P. Bishop and Ransomed Daughter

Suit Up! With Eric P. Bishop, author of Ransomed Daughter and The Body Man. Today we’re talking about starting his own publishing business, book marketing, novellas and much more! Follow Eric https://www.ericpbishop.com/ https://www.instagram.com/epbauthor/?hl=en
With Steven Hartov and The Last of the Seven

Suit Up! With Steven Hartov, author and adventurer. We’ll be talking about the craft of historical fiction, Hemingway, his latest book, The Last of the Seven, and more! Follow Steven https://stevenhartov.com/ https://www.instagram.com/stevenhartov_author/?hl=en
With The Mummy (1999) and Scott Hebert

Join the boys as they discuss The Mummy (1999). Is it the best of the post-Indiana Jones adventure films? Topics include: Daring adventurers, sexy librarians, and the curse of exposition. Follow Scott https://www.youtube.com/@ScottHebertArt
With Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood and Brian Townsley from Starlite Pulp

Suit Up! With Once Upon a Time…In Hollywood. We talk Tarantino’s love letter for old Hollywood with Brian Townsley from Starlite Pulp. Our conversation ranges from the film, westerns, movie posters, the shelf life of actors and question the nature of pulp itself. A broad conversation about a specific film and the joy of cinematic […]
With Jerome Preisler and Net Force

Suit Up! With Jerome Preisler, author of Net Force: Moving Target among many others. Today we talk about writing tie in novels, narrative non-fiction, rebooting Tom Clancy’s Net Force in the digital age and more! Follow Jerome https://www.jeromepreisler.com/ https://www.facebook.com/JeromePreislerBooks/
With Tony O’Neill

Suit Up! With Tony O’Neill, author of Down and Out on Murder Mile, Digging the Vein, Sick City and Black Neon. We talk about his background in music, how he fell into writing, creative obsession and more. Enjoy the interview! Follow Tony’s work https://www.instagram.com/tony_oneill_writer/
With High Time to Kill and Blake Powers

Suit Up! With High Time to Kill, the third Raymond Benson written James Bond continuation novel. We are joined to discuss the start of the Union Trilogy by Blake Powers (Bond Life Chicago). We talk Global James Bond Day, the Benson Bond novels, and High Time to Kill. Join the giveaway for a 00T Mug! […]
With Raymond Benson and Zero Minus Ten

Suit Up! with Raymond Benson, author of Zero Minus Ten, the Black Stiletto, the Mad Mad Murders of Marigold Way and more. Today we’ll be talking James Bond, how Raymond became the first American continuation Bond novelist, the republishing of Zero Minus Ten, writing the Mad Mad Murders of Marigold Way during the Coronavirus pandemic, […]
With Joshua Mohr and Farsickness

Today we’re joined by Joshua Mohr. He’s an author, teacher, father and storyteller. We’ll be talking about his latest book Farsickness, it’s development, art and writing, and how his daughter created the illustrations. Follow Joshua! http://www.joshuamohr.net/ https://instagram.com/joshua_mohr?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
With Bob Deis and Bill Cunningham and Men’s Adventure Quarterly

Suit Up! With Bob Deis and Bill Cunningham, today we talk about men’s adventure magazines, the art of Ron Lesser and the genres of men’s adventure. For all this and more enjoy today’s episode with Bob and Bill. Follow Bob https://menspulpmags.com/ https://www.instagram.com/subtropicbob/ Follow Bill https://www.pulp2ohpress.com/ https://www.instagram.com/bill.cunningham2/ The Books